Commercial Forms Index
Browse the list of Commercial Forms available to Missouri REALTORS® below. Missouri REALTORS® may access current standard forms online through two service providers.
COM-1000: Landlord’s Agency Exclusive Right to Lease Agreement
Last revised 12/31/15
Establishes a REALTOR® as the exclusive agent of an owner with the exclusive right to lease the commercial or industrial property. The form provides for a commission to be paid to the broker if a ready, willing and able lessee is procured by anyone during the term. A commission is also payable if the property is leased during a protection period after the termination of the listing to anyone to whom the broker submitted the property during the term.
COM-1000 TB: Transaction Brokerage Exclusive Right to Lease Agreement
Last revised 12/31/15
Transaction brokerage version of COM-1000.
COM-1010: Seller’s Agency Listing Contact (Exclusive Right to Sell)
Last revised 12/31/15
Establishes the broker as the exclusive agent of the seller for the purpose of selling commercial or industrial property. The form provides for a commission to be paid to the broker if a ready, willing and able purchaser is procured by anyone during the term. A commission is also payable if the property is sold during a protection period after the expiration of the listing to anyone to whom the broker submitted the property during the term.
COM-1010 TB: Transaction Brokerage Exclusive Right to Sell Agreement
Last revised 12/31/15
Transaction brokerage version of COM-1010.
COM-1020: Seller’s Agency Exclusive Right to Sell or Lease Agreement
Last revised 12/31/15
Establishes the broker as the exclusive agent of the owner for the purpose of selling or leasing commercial or industrial property. The form provides for a commission to be paid to the broker if a ready, willing and able purchaser or lessee is procured by anyone during the term. A commission is also payable if the property is sold or leased during a protection period after the expiration of the listing to anyone to whom the broker submitted the property during the term.
COM-1020 TB: Transaction Brokerage Exclusive Right to Sell or Lease Agreement
Last revised 12/31/15
Transaction brokerage version of COM-1020.
COM-1030: Seller’s Agency Exclusive Agency Agreement
Last revised 12/31/15
Establishes the broker as the exclusive agent of the seller for the purpose of selling commercial or industrial property, reserving the right for the owner to sell the property. The form provides for a commission to be paid to the broker if a ready, willing and able purchaser is procured by anyone other than the owner during the term. A commission is also payable if the property is sold during a protection period after the expiration of the listing to anyone to whom the broker submitted the property during the term.
COM-1030 TB: Transaction Brokerage Exclusive Brokerage Agreement
Last revised 12/31/15
Transaction brokerage version of COM-1030.
COM-1040: Seller’s Agency Exclusive Agency to Sell or Lease Agreement
Last revised 12/31/15
Establishes a REALTOR® as the exclusive agent of the owner for the purpose of selling or leasing commercial or industrial property, reserving the right for the owner to sell or lease the property. The form provides for a commission to be paid to the broker if a ready, willing and able purchaser or lessee is procured by anyone other than the owner during the term. A commission may also be payable if the property is sold or leased during a protection period after the expiration of the listing to anyone to whom the broker submitted the property during the term of the listing agreement.
COM-1040 TB: Transaction Brokerage Exclusive Brokerage to Sell or Lease Agreement
Last revised 12/31/15
Transaction brokerage version of COM-1040.
COM-1050: Seller’s Agency Open, Non-Exclusive Sale and/or Lease Agreement
Last revised 12/31/15
Establishes the Broker as a non-exclusive agent of the Owner for the purpose of selling or leasing commercial or industrial Property. The form provides for a commission to be paid to the Broker if the Broker procures a ready, willing and able purchaser or lessee. A commission is also payable if the Property is sold or leased during a protection period after the expiration of the listing to anyone to whom the Broker submitted the Property during the term. Among other things, an open listing does not allow for advertising on a MLS or CIE. It does not contemplate or authorize cooperation with other brokers.
COM-1050 TB: Transaction Brokerage Open, Non-Exclusive Sale and/or Lease Brokerage Agreement
Last revised 12/31/15
Transaction brokerage version of COM-1050.
COM-1060: Seller’s Agency Sell or Lease Agreement (Optional Form)
Last revised 12/31/15
Establishes a REALTOR® as an agent of the owner for the purpose of selling or leasing commercial or industrial property. The parties must select an exclusive right to sell, an exclusive agency or an open listing.
COM-1060 TB: Transaction Brokerage Sell or Lease Agreement (Optional Form)
Last revised 12/31/15
Transaction brokerage version of COM-1060.
COM-2000: Commercial and Industrial Real Estate Sale Contract
Last revised 12/31/17
This sale contract form is designed for use in connection with commercial (including apartment buildings) or industrial real estate sales. Riders may be used in conjunction with this form as appropriate.
COM-2050: Inspection Notice
Last revised 12/31/15
This form is to be used in connection with Section 7 of COM-2000. The first part of the form is used by the buyer to notify the seller that a third-party inspection of the property has revealed unacceptable conditions. The second part of the form is used by the seller when the seller agrees to satisfy either all of the unacceptable items, or only those which are listed, or agrees to a reduction in the purchase price in lieu of the seller’s correcting such unacceptable items. This part of the form also allows the seller to specify whether or not it desires to receive copies of all of buyer’s inspection reports. The third part of the form is used to indicate whether the buyer agrees, or does not agree, with the seller’s previous response. The fourth part of the form is used when either the seller agrees to satisfy all items originally objected to by buyer; or the buyer agrees to waive those objections.
COM-3000: Commercial Lease (Single Tenant)
Last revised 12/31/17
This form is intended for simple, short-term leases of commercial property where the tenant will be the sole occupant of a "stand-alone" building. It provides for a pass-through of operating expenses, real estate taxes and/or insurance (all, none or only those exceeding a base year amount).
COM-3010: Commercial Lease Multi-Tenant
Last revised 12/31/17
This form is intended for simple, short-term leases of commercial property where the tenant will be just one of multiple occupants of a building. The parties may elect to make the tenant responsible for its proportionate share of operating expenses, real estate taxes and/or insurance (all, none or only those exceeding a base year amount).
COM-3015: Guaranty
Last revised 12/31/15
For use in situations where a landlord requires the obligations of a named tenant under a commercial lease be separately guaranteed by a third party. For example, a landlord is typically willing to enter into a lease only with someone who has a satisfactory credit and leasing history. The Guaranty is a separate legal contract, enforceable against the third party person or entity who signs it (the “Guarantor”). By signing it, the Guarantor agrees to be directly responsible for full performance by the named tenant under the lease (i.e., for any “default” by such tenant). It is a guarantee of both payment and performance (i.e., it is not limited to failure to pay rent). The Missouri REALTORS® Notary/Acknowledgment forms (MSC-5000, 5010, 5020, 5030, 5040, 5050 & 5060) may be used in connection with execution of the Guaranty.
COM-3020: Subordination, Non-Disturbance, and Attornment Agreement
Last revised 12/31/12
This form (a/k/a a “SNDA”) is commonly used in commercial leasing transactions and designed to be entered into by 3 parties (tenant, landlord and landlord’s lender) and filed of record at the applicable County Recorder’s office. A SNDA affords a tenant and a lender the assurance, despite the potential need for lender to foreclose on landlord’s property following a default under its loan agreement with lender, that the subject lease will not be “wiped out” by the foreclosure process. Instead, at least for so long as the tenant continues to perform in accordance with the terms and conditions of the lease, that lease will continue on as if the lender and tenant were the original parties thereto. In order to be accepted for filing and recording, a SNDA must be notarized. The MAR Notary/Acknowledgment forms (MSC-5000, 5010, 5020, 5030, 5040, 5050 & 5060) may be used in connection with execution of a SNDA.
COM-4000: Notice of Real Estate Broker’s Lien on Commercial Real Estate
Last revised 11/10/06
To be used by a commercial real estate broker to notify the record owner of property that the broker is asserting a lien against the property by reason of an unpaid commission. In using this form, the broker must comply with the Commercial Real Estate Brokers’ and State Certified Real Estate Appraisers’ Lien Act, §§429.600 – 429.630 R.S.Mo.
COM-4010: Notice to Buyer of Broker’s Lien on Commercial Real Estate
Last revised 12/31/15
To be used by a commercial real estate broker to notify a purchaser of property that the broker is claiming a commission pursuant to an agreement with the owner, and if the commission is not paid by the time of closing, then the broker is entitled to a lien on the property. In using this form, the broker must comply with the Commercial Real Estate Brokers’ and State Certified Real Estate Appraisers’ Lien Act, §§429.600-429.630 R.S.Mo.
COM-4020: Release of Real Estate Broker’s Lien on Commercial Real Estate
Last revised 11/10/06
This form releases a broker’s lien on the described property. In using this form, the broker must comply with the Commercial Real Estate Brokers’ and State Certified Real Estate Appraisers’ Lien Act, §§429.600-429.630 R.S.Mo.
COM-5000: Letter of Intent to Purchase Commercial Property
Effective 12/31/17
Letters of Intent can help assist preliminary negotiations between parties regarding the possibility of entering into a binding agreement for a sale or lease of commercial property. COM-5000 is made available for sale transactions.
COM-5010: Letter of Intent to Lease Commercial Property
Effective 12/31/14
Letter of Intent version made available in connection with the possible lease of commercial property.