Disclosure Forms Index
Browse the list of Disclosure Forms available to Missouri REALTORS® below. Missouri REALTORS® may access current standard forms online though two service providers.
DSC-1000: Real Estate Brokerage Relationship Disclosure
Last revised 10/2/17
May be used (and is primarily needed for use with Non-Missouri REALTORS® standard forms) to confirm disclosure of brokerage relationships (transaction brokerage, designated transaction brokerage, seller agency, buyer agency, dual agency or designated agency), and any change in status or “conversion” of those relationships, in connection with sale contract transactions, as required by MREC regulations.
DSC-1000A: Real Estate Brokerage Relationship Disclosure
Last revised 10/2/17
May be used (and is primarily needed for use with Non-Missouri REALTORS® standard forms) to confirm disclosure of brokerage relationships (transaction brokerage, designated transaction brokerage, seller agency, buyer agency, dual agency or designated agency), and any change in status or “conversion” of those relationships, in connection with lease transactions, as required by MREC regulations.
DSC-2000: Disclosure of Information on Lead-Based Paint and/or Lead-Based Paint Hazards (for Sale Contracts)
This federally mandated form is designed to accompany any sale contract (e.g., RES-2000, FRM-2000 or COM-2000) involving residential property constructed prior to 1978.
DSC-3000: Disclosure of Information on Lead-Based Paint and/or Lead-Based Paint Hazards (for Leases)
This federally mandated form is designed to accompany any lease (e.g., RES-3010) involving residential property constructed prior to 1978.
DSC-4000: Disclosure of Referral of Business
Last revised 7/02
For use by a broker who is affiliated with or owns an interest in another company to which the broker is referring business. The broker may use this form to disclose to the person whose business is being referred that the broker has a relationship with the company, and that the person is not obligated to use the company.
DSC-5000: Disclosure of Information Regarding Methamphetamine/Controlled Substances
Last revised 12/31/15
For use by an owner or landlord to satisfy Missouri law disclosure requirements where prior knowledge exists that the subject property was used in connection with the production of methamphetamine or as the residence, storage site or laboratory of a person convicted of certain crimes involving the possession or production of methamphetamine or certain other derivative controlled substances.
View instructions in the 2016 Forms Instruction Manual
DSC-6000: Disclosure of Information Regarding Waste Disposal Site or Demolition Landfill: Effective 12/31/16.For use by an owner/seller to satisfy the disclosure requirements mandated by §260.213 RSMO in situations where the subject property has been used as (or is the site of) a Waste Disposal Site or Demolition Landfill.
DSC-7000: REALTOR®’s Appointment of Designated Agent
Last revised 10/31/05
Under Missouri agency law effective September 1, 1997, a broker may designate an affiliated licensee to represent a party to the exclusion of other affiliated licensees in the same firm. Normally two such forms will be filled out to deal with both sides of a transaction (i.e., seller and buyer or landlord and tenant).
DSC-7010: REALTOR®’s Appointment of Designated Transaction Broker
Last revised 12/15/05
Under Missouri law effective January 1, 2000, a designated broker may designate an affiliated licensee to assist one party to a transaction as a transaction broker and designate a different affiliated licensee to assist the other party to a transaction as a transaction broker to the exclusion of other affiliated licensees in the same firm. Normally two such forms will be filled out to deal with both sides of a transaction (i.e., seller and buyer or landlord and tenant).
DSC-8000: Seller’s Disclosure Statement for Residential Property
Last revised 12/31/16
This Disclosure Statement is available for completion by a Seller regarding the condition of residential property. It covers both mandated statutory disclosures (Methamphetamine, Lead-Based Paint, and Waste Disposal Site or Demolition Landfill), as well as other items that may constitute an “adverse material fact” (per 339.710 RSMO) or require disclosure under Missouri common law (such as environmental hazards, physical condition and material defects in a Property or title thereto, history of repairs, etc.). It is typically completed at the time a listing contract is entered into, and is also useful to explain situations where the Seller has little or no information regarding such matters (e.g., if it has never been occupied by the Seller). It contains (among other things) an authorization by the Seller to distribute it to potential buyers, and Seller’s acknowledgment to update it if new information is discovered prior to closing that would make any existing information false or materially misleading. The following 4 Riders may be appropriate to attach to the Disclosure Statement for certain types of properties (i.e., those which include or involve items of the nature described in their captions).
DSC-8000A - Water Well/Sewage System Disclosure Rider: Effective 1/24/16
For use in situations where the subject Property includes or is serviced by a private water well or sewage system of some type (e.g., a septic tank or other such system). It can be used whether the system is designed for use by a single property or multiple locations (e.g., shared by others).
DSC-8000B - Lakes & Ponds/Waterfront Property Disclosure Rider: Last revised 7/1/16
For use in situations where the subject Property is located upon (or perhaps wholly includes) a lake, pond or other such water feature. It covers both (a) items typically associated with a waterfront property (e.g., boat docks, slips & lifts), and (b) specific detail regarding the size, maintenance, etc. of the associated lake/pond. It dedicates a separate page (front & back) to each of these 2 main topics. It distinguishes between “private” and “public” lakes (e.g., Lake of the Ozarks, Table Rock lake). A property owner adjoining a “public” lake will not likely be familiar with the scope of details available to an owner of a “private” lake.
DSC-8000C - Condo/Co-Op/Shared Cost Development Disclosure Rider: Effective 1/24/16
For use in situations where the subject Property is a condominium unit or some other form of “co-op” or “shared cost” development.
DSC-8000D - Pool/Hot Tub Disclosure Rider: Effective 1/24/16
For use in situations where the subject Property contains a swimming pool, hot-tub or other such outdoor “spa” or water feature.
DSC-8002 ~ Wire Fraud Advisory: Effective 3/15/19
Cyber scams and email frauds in real estate transactions are all too familiar. It’s a big problem which doesn’t seem to be getting any better. Money wired to a fraudulent account via bogus wire instructions typically cannot be recovered. This form can be used to help raise awareness and reduce the incidents of fraud. In addition to providing valuable resources to call upon if/when needed, most (if not all) cyber insurance underwriters will require a signed form like this.
DSC-8005: Rental Property Verification:
Effective 12/31/17
For use in conjunction with a sale contract for residential rental properties. It is intended to be used as a disclosure statement by Seller concerning the operation of subject property. (e.g., rent roll, expenses, management and service contracts). It may be provided in advance or at the time of entering into a contract.
DSC-8010: Seller’s Disclosure Statement for Commercial/Industrial Property
Last revised 12/31/15
This is a disclosure statement that may be completed by a seller regarding the condition of commercial property. It covers items such as the condition of appliances and mechanical systems, history of repairs, presence of easements, zoning violations or other defects and other information regarding the property.
DSC-8020: Farm or Vacant Land or Lot Disclosure Statement
Last revised 12/31/16.
For use with LND-2000 or FRM-2000 as a seller’s disclosure statement. (See also FRM-1000).