Condominium Forms Index
Browse the list of Condominium Forms available to Missouri REALTORS® below. Missouri REALTORS® may access current standard forms online through two service providers.
CND-1000: Condominium Conversion Rider to Listing Contract
Last revised 11/10/06
To be used when the Owner represents, in the Condominium Rider to Listing Contract (CND-1010), that tenant rights under the Uniform Condominium Act apply to the sale of the Unit. The Rider discloses leases affecting the Unit and whether the tenants have been given notice of the conversion.
CND-1010: Condominium Rider to Listing Contract
Last revised 12/31/15
To be attached to a Listing Contract (e.g., RES-1010 or RES-1020) where the property (Unit) being sold is a condominium. To comply with the Uniform Condominium Act, the Seller must determine whether he must provide an original sale certificate or a resale certificate to the buyer and check the appropriate box. In addition, the Seller must disclose whether the condominium was converted from a rental unit such that tenant rights apply.
CND-2000: Condominium Resale Certificate
Last revised 10/2/17
To be used where any condominium created on or after September 28, 1983 is sold by someone other than the builder or developer. The condominium seller must provide the disclosures in this form to a buyer before a sale contract is signed or before the property is conveyed. The form discloses to a buyer certain matters regarding the operations of the condominium owners association, such as whether the association has a right of first refusal on the Unit, the monthly common expense assessment, the existence of any common expense, special assessment or other fees, whether any capital expenditures are anticipated, the amount of reserves for capital
expenditures, and the operating budget.
CND-2010: Condominium Rider to Sale Contract
Last revised 10/2/17
This Rider should be attached to a sale contract (e.g., RES-2000) involving condominium property. The Seller discloses whether an original sale certificate or a resale certificate is required by the Uniform Condominium Act, whether tenant rights apply, and whether the condominium association has rights of first refusal. The Buyer signs to evidence his receipt of an original sale certificate or a resale certificate.
CND-2020: Condominium Conversion Rider to Sale Contract
Last revised 10/2/17
To be used when the parties have indicated in the Condominium Rider to Sale Contract (CND-2010) that tenant rights apply under the Uniform Condominium Act to the sale of the Unit. The Rider provides for disclosures regarding tenants’ rights in leases on the subject Unit.