The Missouri Housing Industry Alliance
A Partnership That Works Smart
The Missouri Housing Industry Alliance was founded in 1996 by Fred Kratky. Kratky, the 1996 President of Missouri REALTORS®, observed that groups involved in the housing industry often shared the same goals. He felt strongly that if these groups could form an alliance, together they would be able to accomplish these goals more quickly and efficiently. There are currently nearly 20 association members in the MHIA. Industries represented by the membership include home-building, mortgage lending, REALTORS®, appraisers, home inspection, insurance, real estate auction, property management, title insurance, pest control, crime prevention, and real estate law. The alliance meets four times a year. Members’ lobbyists frequently attend to outline their legislative agendas and outcomes for the year. Often, members have collaborated on projects or utilized the expertise of other members by inviting them to serve as guest speakers. Members of the Alliance have found that working together on legislative issues has led to favorable and efficient outcomes for the entire group, rather than each association operating independently. In making each other aware of the issues each group is facing, we have worked together toward a common goal; streamlining all aspects of the housing industry.