Conduct-Related Complaint Investigation Procedure

Conduct-Related Complaint Investigation Procedure and Related Policies

Missouri REALTORS® is committed to providing a positive and rewarding environment for everyone who engages with the Association. The Association seeks to create an environment free from all forms of unlawful harassment, including sexual harassment.  Harassment against an individual on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, pregnancy, disability, marital or veteran status, or citizenship, status as a victim of sexual or domestic violence or order of protection status, or any other classification protected by applicable federal, state or local law, is in violation of Association policy and will not be tolerated. To that end, the Association has established various conduct-related policies, as well as a third-party reporting hotline for persons other than employees, who believe they have experienced discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or any other inappropriate behavior in violation of Association policy to report such conduct, including Article XXIV. Harassment and Policy 427 — Policy on Appropriate Event Conduct.

Complaint Procedure: Any person who believes they have experienced or witnessed discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or any other inappropriate behavior in violation of Association policy should promptly report the incident to or 833-380-8900. Reports may be made anonymously; however, this may inhibit our ability to investigate the report without further information. You may also submit complaints via email to but they must reference Missouri REALTORS® and may not be anonymous.

Post-Complaint Process: All complaints made by non-employees of Missouri REALTORS® and potentially in violation of a conduct-related policy of the Association will be investigated promptly and with strict confidentiality. If outside legal counsel is retained for an investigation, they shall provide his/her investigatory findings to the Investigatory Team consisting of the President, President-Elect, one (1) member of the Executive Committee selected by the highest-ranking officer not named in the complaint, and the Association’s General Counsel and Chief Executive Officer.

If the complaint involves the President or President-Elect, they shall be replaced on the Investigatory Team by the immediate Past President or, alternatively, by another member of the Executive Committee selected by the highest-ranking officer not named in the complaint. If the complaint involves the Association’s General Counsel and Chief Executive Officer, they shall be replaced on the Investigatory Team by outside legal counsel.

When a report is filed, the individual accused of the violation will be notified of the complaint and informed of the investigation process, within thirty (30) calendar days of the initial complaint being filed. This individual will have an opportunity to respond to the complaint and provide input for the investigation to the investigator, within thirty (30) days of receiving the complaint. 

Post-Investigation Process:
If an investigation substantiates that a violation of an Association Conduct Policy has occurred, the Investigatory Team will make a recommendation for disciplinary action, subject to approval of the Executive Committee. Disciplinary action may consist of any sanction authorized in the National Association of REALTORS® Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual, such as verbal or written warning, probation, suspension, or expulsion depending on the gravity of the incident. Prior incidents of similar behavior shall be taken into consideration when determining the appropriate disciplinary action. 
Those who have been accused will be informed of the outcome. Persons deemed to be in violation of an Association Conduct Policy will receive written documentation of any actions taken. Those who report an incident and/or were involved will be informed of the outcome unless they request otherwise, or if their contact information is not available (including complaints made anonymously). No investigation notes or reports will be available to persons outside the Investigation Team unless otherwise required by law. 
Substantiated complaints and disciplinary action history may be considered as part of future volunteer leadership consideration and applications, where appropriate. 
Appeals: Should a member wish to appeal a decision against the member resulting in discipline of the member within thirty (30) calendar days after it is made, the member may make an appeal to the President, who is required to bring the matter to the Executive Committee for review within an additional sixty (60) days. Grounds for appeal include a claim of procedural error, substantive or significant new evidence, or evidence of bias in the fact-finding and decision process. The Executive Committee may uphold, reject, or adjust the findings or ask for further investigation. The determination of the Executive Committee is final and cannot be appealed by the member. No appeal is available to any other persons other than members.  
Statement on Retaliation: It is contrary to this Policy for a member, any witness or participant in a complaint investigation, volunteer or vender to retaliate against any Director, Officer, other member, vendor, or volunteer who files a report of harassment. All possible steps will be taken to eliminate the possibility of retaliation resulting from the filing of a complaint. In the event a complaint report of harassment is found to be totally and completely without basis, appropriate disciplinary measures may be taken against the Director, Officer, member, vendor, or volunteer who brought the complaint. While this is in no way intended to discourage Directors, Officers, members, vendors, or volunteers who believe they have been the victim of harassment from bringing a complaint, the State Association recognizes that a charge of harassment can cause serious damage to the personal reputation and professional career of the accused. 

Any employees wishing to make a complaint should follow the procedures for reporting harassment or discrimination as outlined in Missouri REALTORS® Personnel Policies Manual.

For complaints or questions related to business practices, standard forms, or the Code of Ethics, please utilize Missouri REALTORS® Legal Line or Professional Standards Program. 

The Missouri Real Estate Commission (MREC) is the governmental body overseeing real estate rules, regulations and licensing for the State of Missouri. 

The MREC performs duties necessary to carry out the provisions of Missouri real estate license law. The MREC has its own complaint procedure, which is completely separate from the Missouri REALTORS®. Other responsibilities of the MREC include investigating complaints generated by consumers against the acts of a real estate licensee. The Commission also approves all real estate prelicensing and continuing education courses. Visit their website or call 573-751-2628 for more information.