Leadership Academy

Leadership Academy members during graduation

Leadership Academy

Recognizing that its members deserve leaders who are knowledgeable and well prepared, Missouri REALTORS® coordinates a statewide Leadership Academy. Through this program, Missouri REALTORS® trains emerging REALTOR® leaders so that they may exert a positive influence on the future of Missouri REALTORS®, their Local Boards/Associations, and the industry.

The participants work together in a training course of five retreats that combine presentations, group activities and project planning. Sessions include the development of leadership skills, team-building exercises, goal setting, personal profile analysis, communication, ethical decision-making…and much more.

Objectives of the Missouri REALTORS® Leadership Academy:

  • To identify Missouri REALTORS® who have demonstrated leadership potential and an interest in the REALTOR® organization, its history and goals.
  • To train participants in leadership skills.
  • To motivate participants by increasing their awareness of real estate and association management issues and challenges and involving them in problem-solving activities on issues of current interest.
  • To develop a network of leaders across the state that will actively work for the continued growth of the REALTOR® organization at all levels.

Selection Criteria

Participation in the Missouri REALTORS® Leadership Academy is open to active REALTORS® who hold a primary state membership with Missouri REALTORS®. A maximum of 12 to 16 individuals will be selected to participate in the program. Since the number of appointments to the Missouri REALTORS® Leadership Academy is limited, applicants who are not selected are encouraged to reapply in subsequent years. Participants will be chosen by a selection committee appointed by the Leadership Development Output Group based on the quality of the applications and geographic location. Other considerations will be Local Board/Association and community involvement and a perceived desire for service in the REALTOR® organization.

How to Apply

Application Procedure:

  • All primary Missouri REALTORS® members are eligible to apply to the Leadership Academy.
  • Tuition for the program is $1,299. The tuition helps cover expenses for speakers, training sessions, meals, overnight accommodations, and instructional materials for all five retreats. Additional costs to the participants will include transportation from home to the retreat site and select minimal expenses which may be incurred. Members may apply for scholarship funds if they and/or their Local Board/Association do not have the financial resources to pay the tuition.
  • Application forms should be thorough and include the information requested. However, answers should be limited to the space available. The application deadline is May 3, 2024. APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER THAT DATE.
  • You may submit up to one letter of recommendation with your application. This must be from your broker or an immediate manager.
  • VIDEO REQUIREMENT: An introductory video must accompany your application. Videos should be no more than 90 seconds and answer the following questions: (1) How would you describe yourself to someone who doesn’t know you? (2) Why did you apply for Leadership Academy?
  • The selection committee will identify a pool of program applicant finalists and host Zoom interviews in late-May before making the final class selection. 

The deadline to apply for the 2024-2025 Leadership Academy class is May 3, 2024.

Download the 2024-2025 Leadership Academy Application

Scholarship Opportunities

The Vicki Christensen Leadership Academy Scholarship Fund assists participants with program tuition expenses. If you would like to contribute to the Vicki Christensen Leadership Academy Scholarship Fund, you can make a donation below. Your gift helps Missouri REALTORS® train more leaders and create a better future for our industry and our members. 

Make a Donation

Leadership Academy Class 2023

A graphic image showing the percentage of Leadership Academy Graduates and what they have accomplished after graduation.

2023-2024 Leadership Academy Curriculum

Retreat 1: An Introduction to Leadership Academy
October 18-20, 2023 | The Elms, Excelsior Springs

Following get-acquainted ice breakers, the leadership class will experience an amazingly accurate communication-style assessment, identify their personal strengths, and gain tips about how to work as a productive team. A dynamic speaker will present a unique view of leadership and teamwork. The group will get an introduction to team building and hold their first brainstorming session for their class project. By the close of the retreat, the participants will have a clearer understanding of the REALTOR® organization and the concept of leadership.

Retreat 2: Communication
January 31-February 2, 2024 | The Broadway, Columbia

Dynamic speakers will address effective communication, conflict resolution, media spokesperson training, and working with other members. More team building and brainstorming will occur as leaders learn to make decisions and effectively communicate with one another.

Retreat 3: Legislative/Leadership in Action
April 23-25, 2024 | Kansas City Marriott Downtown, Kansas City

In addition to Leadership Academy sessions, the class will participate in Missouri REALTORS® Spring Business Conference. Participants will also experience Missouri REALTORS® O2 governance structure. Highlights will include presentations about political issues that are affecting the real estate industry and a session on parliamentary procedure and meeting management. The class will attend state governance meetings and continue teambuilding activities.

Retreat 4: Ethics and Decisions
July 17-19, 2024 | Old Kinderhook, Camdenton

Through a series of interesting exercises, ethical decision-making will be examined. There will be a discussion about ethical decisions REALTORS® must make in their profession and as volunteers. Other topics of current interest in the real estate industry will be discussed as well as team-building exercises that enhance ethical decisions.

Retreat 5: The Journey
September 24-26, 2024 | Hilton Branson Convention Center, Branson   

The final retreat will be held during the Missouri REALTORS® Fall Business Conference. It will include a wrap-up, motivational speakers, and a graduation ceremony. The class will present their class project, evaluate their experience, and share key insights with each other and members.

Attendance at all five Leadership Academy retreats is mandatory. Those who fail to attend will be asked to withdraw, with no refund of tuition.