Purpose: To further the State Association’s mission of connecting members through various media and events.
Reports to: Executive Committee
Chair: Michael Jacques / Vice Chair: Kalan Hubbard
Communications Output Group
Purpose: To serve in an advisory capacity to the State Association staff in order to assist in meeting the State Association’s overall communication and marketing objectives.
Chair: Tami Smith / Vice Chair: Christina Merrell
Consumer Engagement Output Group
Purpose: To develop and implement consumer advertising, awareness, and outreach campaigns in support of the REALTOR® brand.
Chair: Matt Muren / Vice Chair: Liz Bruch
Leadership Development Output Group
Purpose: To further the cultivation and development of leaders within the State Association and at the local and national REALTOR® levels through the utilization of the State Association’s Leadership Academy program.
Chair: Kim Stockstill / Vice Chair: Angie Mullings
Specialty Groups Output Group
Purpose: To coordinate the efforts of the State Association with third party ‘specialty groups’ that are aligned with the State Association to promote benefits, resources, and opportunities available to all REALTORS® to increase their skills, knowledge, and competence, while networking and building working relationships between the State Association and such ‘specialty groups’.
Chair: Sarah Bell / Vice Chair: Andy Beasley

Purpose: Responsible for furthering the State Association’s mission of delivering comprehensive risk management programs and services.
Reports to: Executive Committee
Chair: Jessica Brock / Vice Chair: Carol Duke
Commercial Forms Committee
Purpose: To develop, market and provide members with comprehensive, legally approved standard commercial real estate forms. Members of the Commercial Forms Committee are selected each year by the Risk Management Committee.
Chair: Melissa Annis / Vice Chair: Laura Daly
Residential Forms Committee
Purpose: To develop, market and provide members with comprehensive, legally approved standard residential real estate forms. Members of the Residential Forms Committee are selected by the Risk Management Committee.
Chair: Jamie Thornsberry / Vice Chair: Nancy Rogers
Risk Awareness & Best Practices Output Group
Purpose: To develop an open environment where risk management issues, industry trends information can be identified and discussed.
Chair: Gerrie Moore / Vice Chair: Lina Robertson
Professional Development Output Group
Purpose: To develop, market and provide members with professional development opportunities through education, training and diversity awareness opportunities.
Chair: Forrest Stodghill / Vice Chair: Yvonne Van Camp
*Statewide Professional Standards Committees
Purpose: Determine ethics and arbitration matters that are filed with Missouri REALTORS®. While these committees report to the Risk Management Committee, they operate differently than output groups in that do not meet in person. Members apply through an application process and are then appointed by the Missouri REALTORS® President.